Friday, June 27, 2008

Exercise - good for the soul!

I went to the gym to exercise today, and boy does that make a big difference in my day. I feel motivated to eat healthy because of it. It's when I don't excercise that I want to binge in food. That's a bad combination.

But today is going to be a good day!


This Idaho Girl said...

I always feel better on the days when I exercise. My struggle is getting to the gym with two babies. I'd like to know how you do it with three.

Amy K said...

It's hard to go to the gym, adding kids schedules makes it even harder. I've found that going in the early morning is best for me. When Tyler is doing well with sleeping and he wakes up between 5 or 6, then I'll feed him and then head off to exercise while most of the house is still sleeping. But everyday is not so predictable, and that's what makes it the most hard. But when I do go, it's great! If I get into a nice little routine for a few days, it makes it easier to go the next day. (the same thing with eating healthy, the longer you go, the easier it is).

BTW, how is your detox going? What day are you on?

Kellie said...

I committed to 3 weeks of exercise (5 days a week) just Monday. I think I am only two days behind. Trevor is training for a triathlon and while he gets leaner and leaner, I just sit here. I could use the support