Monday, June 30, 2008


I have found that a big glass of water really can help curb a craving. Even if water doesn't sound desirable at all, just go drink a big glass of it, and you'll be full for a little while.


Kellie said...

Good idea. I unconsciously ate a tootsie roll today... We were in an office, it was there. Before I knew it, it was in my mouth and gone. I didn't even realize it until Trevor offered one to me later, then stopped himself. I'm not re-starting though. It wasn't a mistake of weakness, just forgetting. That doesn't count, right?

Palmers said...

i bit a candy in half for alli on sunday and happen to eat the other half. i almost spit it out, but then decided that would not be good in the church parking lot, so i finished eating it. we're even, i stillearned a gold star.