Monday, June 30, 2008

Getting through the rough patches

I have noticed that the most difficult times for me are during my kid's nap time in the afternoon and in the evening after the kids are asleep. A couple of things that I do to help are to eat a more healthy snack, like cheese and crackers or fruit/fruit leather, and to keep myself busy so that I am not thinking about how much I want sugar. I was wondering what others use to help get through those sugar cravings and if anyone has some other healthy snack options to tide off the evening munchies?

By the way, today is day three for me. It feels like I should be farther along, but it is also helping to know that others are going through this with me and are rooting for my success.


Shannan said...

I am Adrienne's sister and she has convinced me to go sugar free, also. I am excited to get my self control back. I would love to join the blog. My email is Thanks for encouraging all of us to eat healthier!

Amy K said...

I would say that's my hardest time too. It's either out of boredom, or out of feeling stressed out, but that's when I just want to grab anything and eat it. I usually try to have fresh fruit around and in the fridge, and when I'm not eating healthy, I never go for it. But if I concsiously think about having a snack that is healthy, eating an apple feels so much better when you're done. I think that if we made a plan to have healthy snacks like fruit or pretzals around the house then that is what you'll grab. For me, it's also a habit thing. The more fruit I eat, that's what I crave. The more junk I eat, that's what I end up craving. You're doing great! And we're happy to have Shannan joining us! Good luck today. I'm on day five, and it hasn't been too bad. (but only because I feel like I have someone rooting and counting on me.) This has been great for me. I feel much better about myself when I'm not trying to drown out my stress in food. I'm eating way less now and hoping to see some weight loss!

Amy K said...

sugar free jello is also good to have on hand.

Ines said...

Hi, I'm Ines, Adrienne's aunt and a big chocoholic. I've been thinking about doing this forever! I finally have the courage to try. I'm on my second day - so far so good! My e-mail is

Kellie said...

I'm with you! I think it's the down time, when you aren't busy that is the hardest. My solutions -veggies & fruits & dried fruit. I can't believe how much more fruit I am eating. Yummy.

And welcome to Shannan and Ines... Don't worry, I'm a major chocoholic as well. It just cannot be in my house or it WILL be in my stomach. :)