Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No More Excuses

It is so easy to justify why you haven't started exercising, eating right, taking your vitamins, etc... But I think it is time to quit making excuses.

This morning I woke up, ignored the fact that my nursing baby would probably be waking up soon, and headed out on a bike ride. Normally, I would wait for him, then realize it was too late to go. But you know, Trevor is perfectly capable of taking out the bottle of pumped milk in the refridgerator, warming it and feeding the baby, or even making a bottle of formula in a pinch, and I am capable of pumping when I get home. It felt so good to choose to exercise, and I came home feeling great!! Getting out is so much more rewarding for me than exercising at the gym. And, surprisingly, Baby Seth slept in. Hooray!

An added bonus -- when I exercise, sugar just isn't as appealing.


Amy K said...

it is funny how much we think a like. great job with choosing exercise. You're right, today I woke up at 6:30, thought Ty would be up any second so I just did a few things instead of a quick workout. By 9:30 he woke up... I should have just gone out. Now, I'm not sure it will happen today.

adrienne said...

I think it goes both ways. I have been exercising the last two nights because I felt good about eating healthier during the day. Isn't it funny how our good choices can lead to other good choices?

Kellie said...

Definitely Adrienne! I think making good choices about anything (not just our health) gives you the confidence to make good choices in the future. I'm so glad to have the motivation and confidence to stick with the no sugar thing and to change mine and my family's eating habits in general. Thanks guys!