Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exercise Ideas?

Does anyone have any good exercise videos that they would recommend or some other cheap ways that they get in their exercise? I can't afford a gym membership right now and I have been having problems with my knee, which is making running not much of an option. I have been bike riding a few mornings the last week (Thanks for the idea, Kellie!) and that has worked really well, but Jeff is gone right now so that hasn't been an option the last couple of days.


Amy K said...

I think Tae bo is a great workout. I love those videos. I also love pilates. Windsor Pilates is great, but any beginning/intermediate pilates is very similar.

Kellie said...

Yesterday I missed my chance to workout because I slept in, so I just put the kids in our double stroller and went for a walk. My husband read to me last night that walking burns as many calories as running as long as you go the same distance, and it can actually burn more fat calories! Hooray. I've never been a fan of running, so walking is a favorite alternative.

I'm also a big fan of yoga. Try any basic Gaiam dvd with Rodney Yee (but I should warn you that he wears ugly spandex pants). I like the morning and evening dvd along with the dvd for athletes (geared so that you can use it to stretch after running, swimming, biking, etc.) I also like the dvds focused on strength. People think Yoga is just for stretching, but you build so much strength and when you hold inverted poses you can actually get a cardio workout. And it is so mentally rewarding. I'm just a huge fan. I've also tried dance dvd's which are fun.

We have a netflix subscription so I just constantly have an exercise dvd come through netflix lately; then I send it back. I'm going to do this for a while and then buy some of my favorite dvds, but it is a good way to try them out and to send them back if you get tired of them.

Munford Family said...

I have a bad knee as well and when it isn’t doing so well I do my Core DVDs that come with the ball. I think you can get other ball DVDs but I have only done Core. It is easy but a good workout!