Saturday, July 5, 2008

I survived

I definitely over ate, but I resisted the sodas, treats, and deserts.


Kellie said...

Way to go Amy!! I had a hard time resisting a few of the goodies, but Trevor told me later they were not as good as they looked. Whew. So glad I didn't eat them.

Natalie Que said...

Hey Amy, I've been a total blog slacker lately, it's all I can do to keep keep my blogs updated! I just checked today and found your new little blog, this is great! Good for you. I am in the same boat, I lost all of my baby weight last year and look GREAT. I've gained it all back over a year and I can feel myself growing and growing little by little.

I keep telling myself that I'll give up the treats, but never do. I am now starting with one treat a day. I've tried and failed at cold turkey, {though not for a set amount of days like you}, but I want to do what I feel I will actually do. I started yesterday and I didn't have a second dessert, like I ALWAYS do if I eat my treat in the day. I even had lentils and a pear instead because I was hungry. It was a big step for me, as pathetic as that sounds.

I feel like I am finally being serious and not lying to myself like I have been for the last 6 months. I have these SUPER cute jeans that I fit into 6 months ago and I can't believe it has only been 6 months because I couldn't squeeze into them with all of the help of crisco to slip them on and pliers to zip them up.

It's time to get serious! Keep going with your challenge!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.