Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sugar Free Road Trip

Over the last few weeks I have realized the living healthy is all about planning. Planning meals ahead of time, planning a time to exercise, planning what you will eat when all you really want to eat is that chocolate bar in the house... you get the point. Well, road trips are the same. And I am living proof that any mom can spend two days in a car with a 3 year old and a 3 month old and still stick with her food and exercise commitments with a little planning ahead.

I think the highlight of the last three days was when we were in Canyon, Texas with two hours to kill while my husband made a professional visit to West Texas A & M. Instead of wasting my time aimlessly at McDonalds Playland or Target where I would surely normally buy myself a treat, my kids and I spent two hours at the park. I got some good walking in and Katelin, my three year old spent most of her time picking dandelions and morning glory. There were some exercise stops along the walking trail and every time we went past one Katelin would say, "I need to do some exercise," and then go and play on them." My biggest hope is that exercise and eating right will come much more naturally to her than me. We finished the park visit with a picnic of cherries and sandwiches. All I can say is hooray for healthy living!!!


adrienne said...

Good job sticking to your goals. I totally agree about the planning. You've got to have healthy options available if you want to eat healthy!

Shannan said...

I totally agree with the planning thing. Okay, I just realized that is exactly what Adrienne said! But I do agree. Come to think of it, everything is easier with a little planning. Way to go for making you road trip a healthy trip!

Scott B. said...

Last night, B and I ate so much junk food. It was awesome. AWESOME!

Palmers said...

Scott, you meany.