Thursday, July 17, 2008

An interesting read

My husband had me read this article a couple of months ago and I've been thinking about it ever since. When I first read it it made me mad because I had been telling myself for years that if I just started to exercise I could eat however I want and this really challenged that notion. I think this article has really helped me come to grips with my eating habits so that I was ready to take Amy's sugar detox challenge and finally do something about the way that I eat. It has also changed the way I look at exercise. Now I see it as a way to give me more energy, feel good about myself, be more healthy, etc., not necessarily as a way to loose a bunch of weight.


Kellie said...

Really intriguing article. It does make sense, which makes the goal of decreasing the amount of sugar (and simple carbs) a worthy one. For me, my main goal is to increase my health overall. I'm pretty sure my body is going to look about the same, even if I lose those last few pounds of baby weight. But, like you said, it would be nice to have more energy and feel healthy.

Shannan said...

That's an interesting theory, but I don't know. When I lost some weight a couple of years ago, the only thing I did different was start to exercise. I guess I quit eating some things late at night, but other than that, I really didn't change my eating habits. I do know that when I exercise, I feel much better. If I go to the gym upset and stressed, I come home happy and calm. And it does help me feel healthier.

adrienne said...

I was very skeptical when I first read it too, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. And he just says that they have never been able to prove that exercise alone is what makes you loose weight, but that there is definitely a relationship, we just aren't exactly sure what it is. I do think that exercise gives you a toned look and will help you loose inches if not weight (which I think is a bigger deal). I just know it really helped me realize that I had to do something about my bad eating habits.