Tuesday, July 8, 2008

super long comment! ;)

I was writing a comment to Amy's last post and it was getting so long I thought I would just make it its own post so here goes. I think I'm in a similar mood with the wanting to be done, but I am more motivated this time around for this to be a life changing decision, not just something I suffer through for a few weeks and then go back to my old eating habits. I am determined to make it to the end and have even decided to go for an extra week after my aunt said she was going to do it for a month. Jeff and I have been talking about what we are going to do after but haven't decided for sure. I think that will be when the real test comes! One thing I have decided is that I WILL NOT buy any sweets or make any sweets unless I am making them for a specific purpose where most of them will get eaten. We've decided that if Jeff makes cookies we will cook one sheet and then freeze the rest and can't cook another sheet for at least a week. We really have so many opportunities for treats in our society without us lifting a finger! The other motivator for me is I feel so great about how I am doing! I had a really stressful day last week which would normally be a day when I would be eating sugar to "help" make it through and I didn't really even think about reverting to that because the one thing I was feeling really great about that day was how good I was doing at not eating sugar. I didn't even realize how different this was from my normal behavior until Jeff pointed it out. I was reading an article in the current Ensign about the Word of Wisdom today and he talked about how the majority of the Word of Wisdom isn't on refraining from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. but on what things we should be eating and I felt so great about myself for following this counsel so much better than I normally do. On a side note, I'm trying to find some healthy options for baking and treats. One thing I've enjoyed making is smoothies with 1 c. frozen berries, 1/2 c. vanilla yogurt and 1/2 c. milk, then I split it with Max or save some for later. If anyone else has found some healthy snack options I'd love to know!


Kellie said...

I'm with you... it is so amazing how many treats are available in our culture, huh? And I am also a big smoothie fan. That always satisfies my craving. Other things that work for me, I've probably mentioned this -- craisins, fruit, real juice, V8 Splash, and lately apple cinnamon rice snacks, and fruit & yogurt parfaits. None of those options are as good as a smoothie though.

Amy K said...

Wow, thanks for that reminder. I almost gave up yesterday, and I'm not even sure why. I'm with you in wanting to make this a life long change. Do I really need to eat a whole XXL party bag of M&M's? It's just not smart, healthy, or mature. I'm a grown woman, I should be able to eat like one right? Okay, so I've got some motivation to keep going, you guys are the best!! Thank you! Today, I hit two weeks!

Shannan said...

I like all your resolutions after the challenge is over. I think that is what I am going to do, also. (Except going for a whole month!)