Monday, July 7, 2008


My sister, Erin, and her husband just spent the last three plus days with us. I had some weak moments that I didn't think I would make it through, but I did it! It is my own fault since I knew they were coming and I had decided to start my 21 days before they came. But here are some of the things I started wavering for:
1. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears (my favorite!)
2. Root beer floats
3. Red vines
4. Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies (that they conveniently left in my fridge!)
Luckily, we had some sugar free treats for them and we had a lot of fruit, so we all made it through. We are going to see them again for the next couple of days, and since we made it through the weekend, the next two days shouldn't be too bad. Plus, I can give the Milanos back and get them out of my house. (They are way too tempting and I just can't bring myself to throw them in the garbage!)


adrienne said...

Way to stay strong, Shannan!! We didn't do anything for the 4th, but when we spent Sunday at Mom's house it was hard to pass up the ice cream and treats that she had around! It's definitely a lot easier to not eat sweets in a controlled environment!

Kellie said...

Good job. Root beer floats do sound good. I've really been wanting for treats,; maybe I will try a peach. Week 2 is definitely harder for me.

This Idaho Girl said...

People are so cruel. Don't they know you're trying to go sugar free! If only the world would adjust!