Friday, July 18, 2008

The Last Day

Today is my last day on the sugar detox. I'd like to come up with some long term goals - something like having dessert once a week (Sundays are treat days at our house) and then give myself the option of one other treat during the week (like if you are at a party or something). While I'm on vacation, I need to come up with a bit more flexibility but I think I can keep things under control. What is everyone else planning to do at the end of sugar detox. Amy, are you still on board??

I think one thing very surprising was how often I was putting stuff into my mouth without even thinking about it. Treats I don't even like and that aren't worth the extra sugar. I hope that I will be able to maintain control on this and not eat junky food that isn't even satisfying. I know that at least, my sugar craving has gone down. I had a glass of very sweet juice yesterday and I didn't even like it. This has been such a good way to jump start my plans of living healthy. Thanks for the support everyone. I'd love support as I continue on the journey. :)


adrienne said...

Congratulations on making it three whole weeks!! Today would be my last day as well, but my husband and I decided to go for four weeks. I'm hoping that by going a little longer it will help me cut down my cravings even more. We'll see. I do kind of wish I was done! You'll have to keep posting and let us know how you are doing now that you can eat sugar again.

Shannan said...

Two more days to go for me, and I have been thinking about what to do after. I also didn't really realize how many times I would automatically think I needed to go and get a treat. When I was bored, stressed, or just hungry, that would always be the first thing on my mind. I think that what I am going to do is have a lot more healthier options of snacks, and then eat treats sparingly. Moderation is the key. But I do think the hard thing will be keeping it moderate and not going overboard. But I do know that if it gets out of control again, I can always make it through another 21 sugar free days!