Saturday, July 12, 2008


Today was a hard day. The days when I need to go grocery shopping have been the hardest for me because when there is nothing to eat, my mind drifts to craving sweets. This afternoon, my husband and I were asking ourselves, "Why are we doing this? Is it really making any difference? Aren't we just torturing ourselves?" And then proceeded to talk about all the yummy things we wished we could eat. (Not a good idea.) I seriously think that if I didn't have my sister and everyone on this blog watching my progress, I would have totally bombed today. Luckily, I got my shopping done and we had smoothies to satisfy our cravings. (Gotta love the smoothies!) With a full pantry, I am hoping the next few days won't be so difficult. I kinda thought that it would get easier with time, and I guess I am a little frustrated that I don't have it quite as under control as I thought. But I have made it this far with your help and I plan to finish my goal. Thanks, everyone, for your support.


adrienne said...

You can do it Shannan! Sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is knowing I would let others down if I gave up now, so I can relate.

Kellie said...

I definitely crave the sweets when there is nothing to eat in the house. So way to get that grocery shopping done. I always dread that chore, but once it is done, eating healthy is easier again.