Monday, July 28, 2008

My new goals

I have new goals from now, until the end of August. My husband and I are going to do no deserts/sweets during the week. We're going to have a free day on Sunday, where anything goes. (this is based off the body for life diet). I'm going to also bring in more whole wheat, vegetables, and fruits into the diet. I really need to eliminate the processed, pre packaged food. I'm taking the encouragement from Kellie who said planning ahead makes it all easier, and from Adrienne who has been so diligent and successful. And from everyone else who just motivated me.

I hate not being healthy. After my 18 day detox, I went back to over eating on sweets. I totally went overboard and felt lousy. Here was my cycle.... wake up, feel great, told myself that I was going to be healthy all day, ate a good breakfast. Had just a small snack, maybe didn't eat great for lunch, snacked in the afternoon just because, wasn't hungry at all after I made dinner because I snacked the whole time I was in the kitchen. Ate dinner anyway. Ate any treats I could after dinner, and ate late even before bed. Went to bed feeling yucky. Woke up not feeling energized, told myself I had to eat healthy all day. Felt motivated to be good! The cycle came back, by evening, I decided I didn't care, and would start eating better the next day. Ate way to many sweets before bed, felt lousy, woke up feeling lousy, no motivation to exercise, and on and on.... what a horrible cycle! Now that I admitted it, maybe I'll be able to change it.

I'm going to try over all to just be healthier. I read an article from the Ensign that motivated me to have balance. It's a good talk, you should read it.

One of my plans also includes writing down exactly what I ate for the day (remember your nutrition assignments when you were in school?) I read an article a while ago that says one of the best ways to eat healthy is to be aware of what you're eating. Writing it down, will help you to not over eat. I'm going to post my eating for the next seven days. Do you want to try it with me?

Anyone who wants to join the blog, post your goals, tell us where you're at, give motivation when you can, take motivation from others when you need it. It's a great idea!


adrienne said...

I read that same article when I was in the middle of my detox and it was a great motivator to me as well. It really put in perspective for me that living the Word of Wisdom is just as much, if not more, about what I SHOULD be putting into my body as what I should not. I'm up for writing down what I eat every day for a week. Now that I am off my sugar detox I am worried about eating sugar with moderation, so maybe that will help me monitor what I eat better! :)

Kendra said...

Amy -

I totally need to do this sugar detox thing but I will be honest I am not ready. I told myself I would start in September. Summer is so hard knowing all the yummy food you miss out on while on vacation.

I have come to the realization that I need self control in a lot of areas in my life right now. It seems like you start to tackle one and others start to fall into place. Although I have not joined this blog to date...I have read a few entries here and there and it has given me motivation. I am not much for exercise but I am determined to lose my baby pounds so Kris has been helping me get up in the mornings to go running (don't get overly impressed it has only been two weeks now and I have only gone 6 times....the first I have run in YEARS!). I can honestly say that when I exercise I am not as tempted to eat junk (and boy do I LOVE junk food!). I love snacks and could eat myself sick and sometimes do. Another thing that really helps is that I don't buy anything sweet (usually:). The only thing I usually have in my cupboards are fruit snacks and chocolate chips (if I need to bake last minute). Well...sometimes I get so desperate for something sweet that I eat a bag of chocolate chips in a matter of a few days! And when they are gone I have been known to eat the chocolate ice cream topping in my fridge with peanut butter...yum!! point being...I would like to join this blog...but...I am not ready yet. I know, I know. But I do have a goal to start a 21 day detox in September!!


Kendra said...

Oh ya....

I remembered why I originally wanted to comment. On my mission I decided to totally go off all sugar for 2 months so I could understand what it was like asking my investigators to give up something (like coffee). After the 2 months was over I allowed myself to eat sugar again. I gained SO much weight! Being away from sugar for 2 months only made me eat it like crazy when it was finally allowed. Looking back at pictures of me after my "sugar fast" I had fat face and I remember my clothes didn't fit very good.

I am not trying to discourage you from staying away from sugar...just be careful when you do let yourself eat it again! I have always been scared of doing a sugar fast because I know I can't keep it up forever and it is hard to determine how much is okay when it is allowed. I like the idea of once or twice a week. You guys are all amazing for doing this!

Amy K said...

It's just nice to know that someone else is going thru the same struggles. I hear ya on eating chocolate chips! I'm ashamed to say that I go to that too when I can't find anything else. I also can see how a sugar detox has a reversal effect. I just about ate myself out of house and home the last few weeks. But I've been better the last week or so. This week, I've exercised four out of four days! Not that I'm an expert on exercise, but I do think that weight lifting is as huge must if you want to lose baby weight. I'm not there yet, but it will help cut down the fat, which will help you burn more calories in the day. I'm trying to do the body for life way, which is eating well (small portions, lower carb, higher protein) during the week with one day off that you can eat anything. You also do a cardio like running 3x's a weeks and weights 3x's. I love this routine if I could just stick to it. My friend Marianne does it well, and loses weight fast (but it's the healthy way to lose weight) Anyway, good luck with your goals. It's not fair that we have to go thru so much to after the baby comes. Why can't you just magically lose all that weight?