Thursday, July 10, 2008

Premeditated.. or not

I am leaving for a little road trip tomorrow and have been stressing over the fact that it's going to be really hard to not eat any candy or treats! I almost made up my mind that I would secretly take the day off, maybe not tell you, or just pretend it didn't happen and make my 21 days go longer.... But after your very encouraging posts, and after seeing how you cope, I'm back on keeping going. I know you all thought that since I since I started the blog, that I had all this motivation. Well, now you know! I just thought I'd let you know so that I have someone to be accountable to when I get back. If anyone has any words of encouragment, I'll be back on Sunday, and now you all know. If I can just get past the 8 hour drive, I'll be great. (and if I can do it for 8 hours than Kellie, you can do it too for 15 hours!?!)

I made a smoothie tonight, and it totally took care of my sweet tooth. :)


adrienne said...

We all have those moments. Every time I go to Costco lately I think, "What's the big deal if I just eat that little cookie sample?" I haven't given in yet. I just remind myself that after my detox is up than I can indulge in treats like that now and then. Just remember when you feel that way how great you'll feel about yourself when you make it to the end, especially when you are so close! When I find myself missing the comfort of eating a bunch of Jeff's yummy cookies (or whatever it is I'm craving at the moment) I remind myself that I am going to be able to eat sweets again, this is only for a short while. And when I do eat sweets again I don't have to eat them like it's my last meal of sweets ever! (Which is what I used to do almost every day!!)

Kellie said...

Way to stick with it Amy. I'm leaving this weekend and I have had my doubts as well! With one week to go, I'm feeling really good. I, like Adrienne, am excited to not be eating so many sweets (I relate to eating them like a last meal). It feels so good to be healthy and to stick with something you've started. And it is nice to have a support group rooting for you. :)